About Us

We are neighborhood residents who have been working toward National Register Historic District (NRHD) and Local Historic District (LHD) designations in Travis Heights and Fairview Park for more than 15 years.

We are proud to have achieved the National Register listing and to have the Mary Street Local Historic District within our boundaries. We would love to create many more of these smaller LHDs in Travis Heights. The City of Austin now allows Local Historic Districts of much smaller sizes than previously, even if it’s just one block or one side of a block. If you would like to be a block caption and seek support, contact us and we will help you along in the process.

Our work is done by neighborhood volunteers, in conjunction with professional historic preservation consultants, led by Terri Myers. Other preservation professionals who have assisted us, and to whom we are always grateful, include Angela Reed, Casey Gallagher, Emily Reed, Julie Yost, and Josh Conrad, as well as Julia Morgan, who led our Design Standards Committee.

Please contact us if you would like to help.